The following tools will help you implement MARSSIM:
Download the COMPASS software (This file is 5.83 MB) |
The COMPASS Software guides the user through the MARSSIM process and provides assistance with MARSSIM calculations. It is available from the Oak Ridge Associated Universities Environmental Survey and Site Assessment program. The COMPASS software was designed to facilitate the use of MARSSIM and guide the user into making informed decisions in designing final status radiological surveys. COMPASS also simplifies the application of the statistical tests by performing the statistical calculations and providing prospective power curves that help in determining what level of confidence the user is willing to accept for a particular number of measurements or samples for a survey unit. After performing the final status survey, COMPASS assesses the data for comparison to the release criteria.
Download VSP software Visual Sample Plan (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) is a simple, defensible tool for defining an optimal, technically defensible sampling scheme for site characterization. VSP is applicable for any two-dimensional sampling plan including surface soil, building surfaces, water bodies, or other similar applications.
MARSSIMPower 2000 will calculate the sample size and critical value for any value of alpha, beta, sigma and delta (DCGL-LBGR).
Sliders, arrows will update the calculated values continuously. If numbers are entered in the boxes, clicking anywhere on the graph will update the display using the new parameter values
The calculations are exact for small sample sizes, so if you have MARSSIMPower you don't have to interpolate in the MARSSIM tables. This is true for the critical values as well as the sample sizes. This is probably the second most valuable feature of the program. The is no input output except the screen at this time. Use PrintScreen or a Screen Capture utility.
Download Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA4) Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA) is free software that incorporates tools from environmental assessment fields into an effective problem solving environment. These tools include integrated modules for visualization, geospatial analysis, statistical analysis, human health risk assessment, ecological risk assessment, cost/benefit analysis, sampling design, and decision analysis. The capabilities of SADA can be used independently or collectively to address site specific concerns when characterizing a contaminated site, assessing risk, determining the location of future samples, and when designing remedial action. A fully functional freeware version is available on the download page of this web site. SADA is developed in The Institute for Environmental Modeling at the University of Tennessee .
SADA is an evolving freeware product targeted to individuals performing environmental assessments in support of decision-making. The primary objective is to create a user friendly software package for environmental characterization and decision-making. This problem solving environment applies and integrates a number of algorithms that can either be used in a stand alone fashion or in the direct support of performing a site assessment. The software processes and produces information in a clear, transparent manner, directly supporting decision processes, and can serve as a communication tool between technical and non-technical audiences. The end result is that SADA can be used to facilitate decisions about a given site in a quick and cost effective manner. SADA has a strong emphasis on the spatial distribution of contaminant data and is therefore best suited for anyone who needs to look at data within a spatial context.
Table I-11 provides the spreadsheet equations used in Table 8-6 of MARSSIM, and demonstrates the application of the Wilcoxon rank sum test to a Class 2 interior drywall survey unit.
Table I-11 [Microsoft Excel format]
The DEFT Program calculates changes in the recommended number of measurements caused by changing the width of the gray region and changing measurement variability.
Appendix D: Decision Error Feasibility Trials (DEFT) Program
Family of Codes RESRAD is a computer model
designed to estimate radiation doses and risks from RESidual RADioactive
materials. (RESRAD, RESRAD-Build, etc.)
RESRAD Connection for Facilitating MARSSIM Analysis: An Illustration of Applying the OpenLink Concept (1 MB) ANL/EAD/TM-02-04. The focus of this work is to more tightly integrate RESRAD and COMPASS used in MARSSIM final status survey design.
RESRAD Related Technical Documents (great resource!)
MARSSIM (Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual ) Website © 2006 NukeWorker.com™