Regulatory Agencies and MARSSIM NRCThe NRC is currently working
on consolidating their decommissioning (and MARSSIM) implementation guidance in
NUREG-1757: EPA DOERecently, DOE issued
Draft DOE G 441.1-xx “Control and release of Property with Residual Radioactive
Material” (for use with DOE 5400.5) that provides guidance that recognizes
MARSSIM (albeit through the supplemental limit process). StatesThe CRCPD is working on draft Guidance Document for “License Termination of Facilities where Radioactive Material was Used.”
New Jersey’s Ch. 12 Radiological Assessment
(NJ’s guidance on MARSSIM implementation)
International Organizations
International Atomic Energy Agency Down load information on OECD/NEA member states and their activities on decommissioning.
Nuclear Association Decommissioning Web pages European Commission http://europa.eu.int/comm/energy/nuclear/publications/decommissioning_en.htm Learn more about the activities of the EC in the decommissioning and related areas.
MARSSIM (Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual ) Website © 2006 NukeWorker.com™