Dose Modeling

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MARSSIM and RESRAD computer software
Dose Modeling Computer Codes & Guidance Documents

RESRAD Family of Codes RESRAD is a computer model designed to estimate radiation doses and risks from RESidual RADioactive materials. (RESRAD, RESRAD-Build, etc.)

RESRAD Connection for Facilitating MARSSIM Analysis: An Illustration of Applying the OpenLink Concept (1 MB) ANL/EAD/TM-02-04. The focus of this work is to more tightly integrate RESRAD and COMPASS used in MARSSIM final status survey design.

RESRAD Related Technical Documents (great resource!) 

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Technical Basis for Calculating Radiation Doses for the Building Occupancy Scenario Using the Probalistic RESRAD-BUILD 3.0 Code. NUREG/CR-6755; February 2002.

Argonne National Laboratory. User’s Manual for RESRAD Version 6. ANL/EAD-4; Argonne, IL: July 2001.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Probabilistic Dose Analysis Using Parameter Distributions Developed for RESRAD and RESRAD-Build Codes; NUREG/CR-6676; Washington, DC: July 2000.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Probabilistic Modules for the RESRAD and RESRAD-Build Computer Codes; NUREG/CR-6692; Washington, DC: November 2000. 

NRC’s DandD Software (Version 2.1) 
NOTE: This is the setup file for a software program. It may take several minutes to download based on your connection speed.

DandD version 2 Frequently Asked Questions

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.  Residual radioactive contamination from decommissioning: User's Manual DandD Version 2.1. NUREG/CR-5512, vol.2; Washington, DC: April 2001.


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Comparison of the models and assumptions used in the DandD 1.0, RESRAD 5.61, and RESRAD-Build 1.50 computer codes with respect to the residential farmer and industrial occupant scenarios provided in NUREG/CR-5512. Draft report for comment. NUREG/CR-5512, vol.4; Washington, DC: October 1999.


Dose Modeling Guidance Documents

  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Solubility and Leaching of Radionuclides in Site Decommissioning Management Plan (SDMP) Slags. NUREG/CR-6632; February 2002.
  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Hydrologic Uncertainty Assessment for Decommissioning Sites: Hypothetical Test Case Applications. NUREG/CR-6695; January 2001.

  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Solubility and Leaching of Radionuclides in Site Decommissioning Management Plan (SDMP) Soil and Ponded Wastes. NUREG-CR-6821; June 2003.
  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Re-evaluation of the Indoor Resuspension Factor for the Screening Analysis of the Building Occupancy Scenario for NRC's License Termination Rule, NUREG-1720; June 2002.

  • Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). Data collection handbook to support modeling the impacts of radioactive material in soil. ANL/EAIS-8; Argonne, IL: 1993.

  • DOE HANDBOOK, Airborne Release Fractions/Rates and Respirable Fractions for Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities. Volume I - Analysis of Experimental Data (DOE-HDBK-3010-94); December 1994.
    NOTE: This file is 3 MB, a high-speed connection is preferred to download this item.


  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Decision methods for dose assessment to comply with radiological criteria for license termination. NUREG-1549; Washington, DC: 1998.

  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.  "Residual radioactive contamination from decommissioning," NUREG/CR-5512, Volume 1, October 1992. (NOTE: This file is 23.3 MB, so a high-speed connection is preferred.)

  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Residual radioactive contamination from decommissioning: parameter analysis. NUREG/CR-5512, vol.3; Washington, DC: October 1999.

Dose Modeling
Regulatory Agencies

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